Совет правообладателей

Dear users of phonograms,

In order to comply with the Kazakh laws on copyright and related rights, we invite you to join ALE “The AMANT” Association for Copyrights and Allied Rights Protection”.

We assure that contributions to be made by you will be timely and fully received by the respective persons.

For information on how to join ALE Amanat, please contact: Room 427, 13 Republic Square, Almaty, 050013, Republic of Kazakhstan. Telephone: +7 727 334 03 65, +7 8 701 272 0112, fax: +7 727 334 03 65, e-mail: info@kazamant.kz, Skype: kazamanatkz

ALE “The AMANT” Association for Copyrights and Allied Rights Protection” is a non-profit Association of Legal Entities (ALE), collectively managing the rights of performers, phonogram producers and other holders of related rights.

ALE Amanat aims at preserving and promoting the Kazakh culture, developing the show business in Kazakhstan, exercising and standing up for copyright and related rights.

ALE Association Amanat operates adhering to the principles of voluntary and equal membership and democratic self-government.

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